Submission of Abstracts--CLOSED
Abstract deadlines
All abstracts submitted will be subject to review by the Scientific Program Committee.
Abstracts Deadlines
Abstract submission: 29 February 2008
Notification of acceptance: March 2008
Participants who wish to give an oral or poster presentation must submit an abstract by e-mail only in the layout and format described below by 29 February 2008. Abstracts should be written in English, and stress the objectives, results and conclusions of the presented work in no more than 400 words.
Acceptable Formats
The abstract should be submitted by e-mail as an attachment to Stelios Mertikas ( mertikas<at> and Yoichi Fukuda ( fukuda<at> ) in any of the following formats: Word or PDF.
Required Layout
The required layout for inclusion in the Book of Abstracts is as shown below:
- Paper size: A4
- Margins: 2.5 cm all around
- Font: Times Roman
- Title size: 12 points, bold
- Authors size: 10 points
- Text size: 12 points
- Justification: left
- Spacing: single
- Type the title of the contribution.
- Leave one blank line after the title block.
- Type the initial(s) and last name of each author.
- Type the authors addresses starting a new line.
- Start a new line for each author with a different affiliation.
- Underline the name of the author who will be presenting the paper and include her/his e-mail and/or fax number.
- Leave one blank line after the authors' block and type the text of the abstract (400 words maximum).
- Do not leave blank lines for new paragraphs.
Submittal Information Please submit the following information on a second page, separated by blank lines:
- Title of presentation.
- Authors' names. Underline the author who will present the paper.
- Number and title of session.
- Preference for oral or poster presentation, or no preference.
- Indicate any equipment you need for your presentation in addition to the standard equipment (1 overhead and 1 PC projectors).
- Indicate whether you will have the full paper ready for the proceedings at the conference (type: "Proceedings paper") or not (type: "Abstract only").
Acknowledgement Authors whose abstract has been received and successfully processed will receive an acknowledgement regarding the receipt and status of their contribution. Acceptance notices will be e-mailed by March, 2008. The Proceedings will be published in the IAG Symposium series.